We make an effective system for producing bioactive hydrogenous antioxidant water from any drinking water in the health sector. With the help of our product, drinking water becomes useful to consumers, a powerful drug-free preventive remedy for cancer, cardiovascular and other diseases.
- The effect is achieved within 30 minutes and is valid for a long time while the stick is in the water.
- Standard package contains 20 sticks of 5 grams of active substance per stick.
- For processing of 1 liter of water, 2 sticks are recommended, in this case the ORP of water -70-150 mV is achieved, and that is optimal for the human body.
- Sticks are designed for reuse - up to 300 times.
- The used product is non-toxic and easily recycled.
We seek to offer our technology to companies that work in the health sector and water management sectors under distribution services agreement. We would also like to engage with end users and agents that operate in these areas under agency agreement.
Version 4.1.0 - Last update 09-jun-24