Our premium gin is produced with a grape base spirit giving an original taste that is different from the grain-based gins.
The base spirit comes from the grape, which is the left-over product from winemaking.
We use 18 ingredients that are 100% natural including espelette pepper, a protected geographical origin product from the South West of France, giving a hot-sweet pepper spice flavor. The gin combined the juniper giving the classic gin flavor with the superfood goji berry.
The 4 taste combinations: floral, fruity, nutty and spicy.
The alcohol content is 40 degrees.
We are located in France.
Packaging: 70 cl and 50 cl bottles, plus 40 ml miniatures.
Potential distributors should be well connected with the spirits/ alcoholic drinks industry (style bar, restaurants, hotel and specialized wine/spirits retailers).
Version 4.1.0 - Last update 09-jun-24