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Mongolia relies on the exportation of natural resources for 40% of GDP: copper, gold, coal, molybdenum, fluorspar, uranium, tin, and tungsten.
Giving its deep dependence on commodity prices, Mongolia's growth rate experiences sharp fluctuations.
Weak currency dependent on commodity prices.
Very high, made worse by a sizeable budget deficit.
Medium to high.
Very low English proficiency (88/100)
High level of corruption.
Visit our Explore Opportunities page and find thousands of Asia companies.
On Globartis, you can connect with Mongolia manufacturers and Mongolian companies, and start doing business in Mongolia. Grow your Mongolia business with our platform: whether you are looking for Mongolia export or Mongolia import, Globartis is the place where you can find the right Mongolian company.
If you want to carry on your Asia trade from a big city in Asia, you can start doing business in Ulaanbaatar, the capital and economic center of Mongolia.
Join now the Globartis business network and develop your business in Asia!
Version 4.1.0 - Last update 09-jun-24