North America
Central & South America
Asia & Middle East
Southeast Asia & Oceania
Services sector that accounts for more than three-quarters of GDP. Services include operating the Panama Canal, logistics, banking, the Colon Free Trade Zone, insurance, container ports, flagship registry, and tourism
High and stable
Pegged to the USD (1$ = 1 PAB)
Low and stable
Still low but recovering from deflation
English is spoken as a second language in the capital or touristic areas
High level of corruption
Globartis is the place for you! We are an active player in Central America business and Caribbean import export, especially Caribbean import.
We can help you in finding Panamanian companies or a Panamanian partner in Panama City: join now and start doing business in Panama!
Whether you are looking for Panama trade or Panama imports and exports, become a member now for free and grow your company in the Panama business.
Version 4.1.0 - Last update 09-jun-24