North America
Central & South America
Asia & Middle East
Southeast Asia & Oceania
Third largest econony in Africa
Low, stagnant
Weak currency recovering from a dramatic devaluation
High but slightly slowing
High level of corruption
Visit our Explore Opportunities page and connect with thousands of companies in Africa that are looking for a partner abroad.
Exports from Africa are in great demand from all over the world, you just need to find the right Africa opportunity for your business.
Whether you are looking for South Africa export, South Africa import, or to invest in South Africa, you can use Globartis for doing business in South Africa.
You can look for South African companies or for companies in Cape Town, one of the best places for Africa opportunity in business.
Join now for free and start doing business in Africa!
Find partners for your Africa business on Globartis!
Version 4.1.0 - Last update 09-jun-24