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The ongoing civil war (started in 2015) has halted Yemen’s exports, pressured the currency’s exchange rate, accelerated inflation, severely limited food and fuel imports, and caused widespread damage to infrastructure. The conflict has also created a severe humanitarian crisis, and more than 80% of the population in need of humanitarian assistance
GDP growth rate has collapsed since the start of the civil war (2015)
Very low. Among the lowest in the world
Officially pegged to the USD (1$ = 250 YER), however in the black market there are strong fluctuations
Extremely high
English is not widely spoken
Extremely high level of corruption
On Globartis, you can find thousands of opportunities from the Middle East business, such as Yemen import, Yemen export, and also to invest in Yemen.
Join now for free and start doing business in Yemen.
Version 4.1.0 - Last update 09-jun-24