Hot air ovens use dry heat sterilization. Precision oven (hot ait oven) uses forced air circulation method to get the desired temperature profile. In the dry heat sterilization process, the material used for heating has the characteristics of a high melting point and it will not catch fire or changes its form while heating at a higher temperature. To ensure the homogeneous hot air mixture inside the oven, a motorized blower is fitted on the top of the chamber which ensures the exact temperature inside the chamber.
Temperature range – 5°C above ambient to 250°C
Temperature accuracy – ±0.2°C
Temperature uniformity – ±1°C
Supply – 230V, AC
Our laboratory precision oven (hot air oven) is made up of triple-walled construction. The cabinets are made using stainless steel material. A single door is provided which is fitted on the heavy hinges and provided the required gasket to reduce the leakage. The 3″ thick glass wool insulation is provided to prevent heat loss. The heat is generated inside the oven using the tubular air heaters fitted on both sides of the chamber. The air circulation is achieved by using the fan which is run by using the motor. The specially designed stainless steel rod trays are provided to place the material for heating. The microprocessor-based auto tune PID controller is used to maintain the desired temperature range during the operation. It helps to protect your oven from temperature overshoot.
Version 4.1.0 - Last update 09-jun-24